Work from home email to boss example

Instead of mentioning this, outline the boxs that this hoe can have for the company. Work from home email to boss example will ensure that my entire workload is handled properly in my 6abc work from home. Rocky Work from home email to boss example October 8, at PM. If working from home is worm common at your company, you may examplle want to include details in your letter about how you'll be reachable during work hours phone, email, Slack, etc. For example, your manager might be worried about:. Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. Review this example if you're looking to work from home, but haven't before. It has been an honor to be a part of this team, and I look forward to our future collaboration and successes. Be clear in your letter about what you are requesting. Request to work from home on a trial basis. Upload your resume. Related: 15 Tips for Working Remotely. I know that our company has never tried it before, but would it be possible for me to experiment with working remotely on a trial basis? Kind request to approve my work-from-home application.