Work from home bilingual portuguese

American High-Tech Transcription and Reporting Firm offering transcription and translation services to government, law enforcement, corporations, and other organizations. Work from home bilingual portuguese remote, full-time position. Remote during the pandemic. Multilingual Connections is a company that offers work bilinguall home freelancers opportunities work from home bilingual portuguese transcribe and interpret for their clients worldwide. Bilingual English and Spanish is a plus! Conduct research and add data on a wide range of international topics into a large database. We will notify you by email when your friend or friends sign up for FlexJobs and you will get a free month. At Beyond Feedback we are passionate about delivering insights to our clients that drive…. For more information, see the SimplyHired Privacy Policy. TransPerfect Is More Than Just a Job… Our greatest asset is our people, and nothing is more important to us than ensuring that everyone knows that. Quick Apply. Also must be bilingual.