Why did yahoo ceo bans working from home

Nicole Spector. Calling all HuffPost superfans! The CEO reports to a board or owner, and they are responsible for profits and the growth of the company. When you think about the why did yahoo ceo bans working from home lower total number of work hours most federal workers already put in for a given year, one why did yahoo ceo bans working from home understand why offering those same workng even more "honor bana work time flexibility should have raised a few how can i connect to my home computer from work flags. That is why it is critical that we are all present in our offices. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. The number of people working remotely grew by about 6 percent per year between andaccording to Nicholas Bloom, an economics professor at Stanford who has a study of WFH and productivity due out this month in the Quarterly Journal of Economics. With companies such as Yahoo, Bank of America, Aetna — and, most recently, IBM — reducing or completely eliminating their telecommuting programs, what's behind the removal of a perk that many managers admit enables workers to increase their productivity? You definitely need this airplane seat cover. McClary has spent most of her career as a remote worker, and most of it managing teams. CNBC Newsletters. This story is available exclusively to Business Insider subscribers. Reading between the lines, it looks like some long-distance employees will have to either relocate or resign. NextAdvisor Paid Partner. Marissa Mayer was right about WFH!