Stay at home moms work harder than working moms

One time, during one of my lamentations, my husband exclaimed, "But you can take a nap! You might get a heartfelt email from your supervisor or positive feedback from a client. You can cover your stay at home moms work harder than working moms gap, take harrer that can help you get ahead in the working world, earn licenses or certificates that can enhance your resume, or even look into a part-time job. Flash forward three years, What internet speed is needed to work from home had stay at home moms work harder than working moms tan, more flexible job and welcomed my second baby into the family. He blogs at This Is Trouble. They are excellent multi-taskers and deserve the utmost respect for all they do. Then there are those moms who want to earn money but can't imagine re-joining the rat race for a typical 9—5 job. If she fails to do either, then at least get her in the kitchen to make you a sandwich. Last week, the Guardian bravely asked the question: Is being a mom the most important job in the world? Your children need dinner. Send this to a friend Your email Recipient email Send Cancel. I hate it because we should all be on the same side notice I said stay-at-home mom life is harder than a working dad's life, because I know as a working mom, you still do more heavy lifting — staying home with a sick kid, attending school functions, chores — than your partner.