Part time work from home tech support jobs

Tell your friends about FlexJobs via email. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Provide technical support for level one escalation issues via helpdesk. Part time work from home tech support jobs other position is a Remote Services Technician, which delves a little bit part time solidworks work from home technical support, but is based more on customer support. All you need to do is, respond to the customer feedback part time work from home tech support jobs answer a few questions, and provide basic customer support. They are currently not hiring but you can put PaperlessPipeline in your pipeline to apply for one. Skip to content Sharing is caring! Serve customers as a key point of contact for support, manage custom expectations and ensure prompt care, train, mentor and assist with troubleshooting, conduct analysis. A college degree and call center or customer service experience certificate is necessary. Produce a more flexible work schedule. Greeting Mr. Welcome to the Technical Support remote, part-time, freelance, and flexible jobs page! You should have professional customer service experience, but only six months of previous experience is required. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Signup here NOW. So, if you are in searching for the best work from home jobs, then I suggest you look at these 37 amazing chat support jobs once. You need to have live chat or customer service experience.