Part time proofreading jobs from home

You will receive training to improve your skills and efficiency. Part time proofreading jobs from home prootreading Start your own website and put your writing skills to use. Meridian Technologies, Inc. While you might think that only part time proofreading jobs from home major publishing companies hire a full-time proofreader with their own corporate office, think again! You need to be a qualified and experienced freelance editor to apply. How much do proofreaders make? In addition, you should also get a website where you can introduce your services and list some credentials. If you do well, you may be invited to contract with Domainite and be well on your way to your new career as an editor! After reading your article at least got some ideas and places to go and search a job for my self as well. Scribbr Must have a college degree or expertise, and prior editing experience.