Is working from home a reasonable accommodation under ada

This website also provides guidances on many other aspects of the ADA. In workin this is working from home a reasonable accommodation under ada, the Seventh Circuit failed to consider that the employee needed gome and a modified schedule as reasonable accommodations for his disability, and that the accommodations became meaningless when i was penalized is working from home a reasonable accommodation under ada using them. The individual must explain what limitations from the disability make it difficult to do the job in the workplace, and how the job could still be performed from the employee's home. Directv work at home position 42 U. Appropriate professionals include, but are not limited to, doctors including psychiatristspsychologists, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, vocational rehabilitation specialists, and licensed mental health professionals. This Guidance sets forth an employer's legal obligations regarding reasonable accommodation; however, employers may provide more than the law requires. Example B: An employee tells his supervisor, "I need six weeks off to get treatment for a back problem. These barriers may be physical obstacles such as inaccessible facilities or equipmentor they may be procedures or rules such as rules concerning when work is performed, when breaks are taken, or how essential or marginal functions are performed. Engaging in an interactive process helps employers to discover and provide reasonable accommodation. Under these facts, the employer may ask for reasonable documentation on the need for the accommodation if the need is not obviousbut it cannot ask for documentation that the person has an ADA disability. In providing general ADA information to employees, an employer may wish to highlight the obligation to provide reasonable accommodation, including the interactive process and different types of reasonable accommodations, and the statute's confidentiality protections.