Home affairs general work permit application form

A letter from home affairs general work permit application form employer confirming your current and apolication employment, which is not older than six months. Copy of the Home affairs general work permit application form document of the parent s appliction legal guardian who is the citizen or permanent resident if applicable. Marriage certificate or proof of relationship in respect of a home affairs general work permit application form accompanying the applicant or joining the applicant in the Republic Islamic affaird entered into within the Republic are not considered. Proof of financial support to each other. If the application fee atfairs paid to VFS bank account or the mission, home affairs general work permit application form original appllcation payment receipt, where work from home jobs for guys application fee was paid using the Electronic Fund Applicaton EFTreceipt for each generall. Handwritten forms will not be accepted by the Department of Home Affairs. Unabridged consultancy jobs working from home certificate, or xffairs from birth record for applicant s. The certificate must not be older than six 6 months at the time the applicant submits an application. Endorsement related to Pwrmit Association should be attached. Processing Time The Department of Home Affairs is committed to the following turnaround times for specific categories of visas and permits: Permanent residence finalized within 8 months Only for extra-ordinary skills, general work and business applications Temporary Residence visa applications for Business and general work visas will be finalized within 8 weeks or less 40 working days and Temporary Residence visa applications for Critical skills work visas will be finalized within 4 weeks or less 20 working days. Offer of permanent employment in the form of a contract of employment. Payment of the application fee of R Yellow fever vaccination certificate if that person travelled or intends travelling from or transit through a yellow fever endemic area: Provided that the certificate shall not be required where that person travelled or intends travelling in direct transit through such area or where an application is made in the Republic. Offer of permanent employment in the form of a contract of employment. A written undertaking by the employer to ensure that the passport of his or her employee is valid at all times for the duration of his or her employment A certificate by the Department of Labour confirming that- The applicant continues to be employed in line with the labour standards; A contract of employment stipulating the conditions of employment and signed by both the employer and the applicant; and Full particulars of the employer, including, where applicable, proof of registration of the business with the Commission on Intellectual Property and Companies CIPC. A deed poll in the case of the applicant who has changed his or her name, surname or sex. The Department of Home Affairs is committed to the following turnaround times for specific categories of visas and permits:. Present a valid original passport in respect of each applicant and passport photograph for all applicants one year of age and older.