Facebook pays india residents 15 792/day to work from home

Where is work at home jobs ads country allowing such scam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Above all, I am a serious part of your site that controls If you know what a structured settlement is and you're involved in legal cases, beware of the Sell Facebook pays india residents 15 792/day to work from home Have a great weekend. Well if they don't scam then why! While so many of you have written reviews on this blog about this Scam how come no one has taken the initiative to bring the same to the notice of the Enforcement Agencies and the Officials at Facebook. Hi, Is the offer from Facebook is Okay? I accuse them of scamming me and they said that they don't scam people and they never will. I was about to fall in this trap, Thanks lot for the timely post. Also would like to advise facebook to take a strict action against these kind of fraud peopl. Whatsapp scams alert!