Can you be sent home from work for being late

There's a pay-off there, you virtual customer service work from home jobs have to figure out what it is. For a job like yours, I would be at work at 7am at can you be sent home from work for being late lastest can you be sent home from work for being late day to have time to read things and prep for the meeting. I may be ltae an issue that is not happening to you, in which case, ignore this. Plinth and I get up at and like everyone has said, you need to be there or you're going to be sent packing. I don't work from home jobs venice fl them for late lunches running errands. Pre-make breakfast crom lunch if you bring in lunchlay out your wok, etc. Find other work. What this means for me is that it takes approximately 30 minutes and like alarms, no exaggeration for me to physically get out of bed. So I'll be early! Whether this particular company's culture is a good fit for you is a question for the long run. I concur with everyone else that the job sounds like crap, but until you find another job, you have to dance to their tune. The steps are probably: - Stop thinking of this as something you can fudge. So for you, that means aiming to be out the door by am, and also being realistic about how long it takes you to get ready in the morning. What cured me of snoozing is the "I Can't Wake Up" app AndroidiOSlinks are to ad-supported free versions, paid ad-free versions also available. You are only earning barely above minimum wage to have your life taken over by this job that will barely pay the bills because I bet you aren't saving money in other ways like cooking at home because you are too exhausted, and walking instead of cabbing to save time. You could be having trouble getting going in the morning out of sheer fatigue. I also set an alarm that is my "ten minute warning" for when i need to leave, and then a second alarm that is my "get out of the house now" alarm.