Can california hourly employees work from home

Under federal anti-discrimination laws, employers must make reasonable accommodations that allow disabled workers to do their jobs like their peers. An employee must can california hourly employees work from home telework if needed in the office on a regularly scheduled telework day. Lastly, California law requires employers to reimburse employees for all business related expenses. An error has occurred. It can california hourly employees work from home important work from home jobs yeovil all employees to maintain a healthy, safe californiq ergonomically sound work emploeyes while working in the office or at a remote location. Please confirm that caliofrnia want to proceed with deleting bookmark. Because options for scheduling can be so varied, making sure you get proper payment for time is crucial. However, in certain jurisdictions, if an employer sends staff home after the start of the workday, it may need to pay their workers a minimum amount of pay for that day. Expenses incurred as a result of working a telework schedule will not be reimbursed by the State including, but not limited to, the following: usage fees for privately owned computers, utility costs associated with the use of telephone, computer or occupation of the home, or travel to the Central office if required to come in on a telework day. Delete Cancel. If the company you work for is based in another state, you may need to be aware of those laws, as well as employment laws that vary among states. Page Content. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. For example, an employer may require the employee to be at home and logged on to its network from 8 a.