Advantages of allowing employees to work from home

advantages of allowing employees to work from home

If some employees are rejected for remote work opportunities it may lead to jealousy. Get the latest market wokr for benchmark jobs and jobs in your industry. All Sections Resources. Explaining difficult concepts and employers remotely could be a problem. Enter your email to stay up to date. You also save on power bills, office supplies advantages of allowing employees to work from home niceties like break-room coffee work from home with computer snacks. For remote work you still need a decent office to work in so set yourself up with proper advantages of allowing employees to work from home furniture! No sharing illnesses. Emmployees says costs will be significantly lower with so many employees working from home instead of offices, and it intends to return the savings to customers in lower premiums. There are security issues to think about and address when some or all of your work is done on the internet. The result is a happier, healthier and more motivated workforce. Conducting virtual meetings and facilitating communication electronically helps protect the environment through reduced automobile emissions. Working from home can feel like a break from the office, even though your employees are still working. McQuerrey's work has garnered awards from the U. Toggle navigation. Increased Productivity Studies show that staffers who work from home are more productive than those who work in a typical office environment. This is, of course, a big one, hence the need for trial periods and perhaps the ability to request the employee return to the office space if remote performance is sub-standard. This helps the environment and can allow you to position your business as a good corporate steward.